Consider This… 

Are your employees financially healthy? 

 How prepared are they to handle debt, budgeting, retirement, investing, planning for the unexpected and the financial implications of other life events?

 Are financial concerns becoming a distraction for employees and increasing their stress at work?

 How effective are your benefits, education, and assistance programs in addressing and preventing employee financial issues?

The answers to these questions have often eluded human resource professionals. Like health and wellness, employee personal financial fitness is an important aspect of overall well-being. Financial stress can also impact absenteeism, employee productivity, retirement, and healthcare costs.

HEALTHWORKS has financial wellness solutions that will help employers respond to this “stress epidemic” by adding a financial component to their wellness programs

THE REALITY IS…Americans are struggling with their money. 


Money problems don’t stay at home—they follow your employees to work.

Lost productivity, high turnover, rising healthcare costs, and being off track for retirement are symptoms of a larger problem: 

Your employees’ financial lives are a mess. 

Most people don’t have a plan for their money—they’re buried in debt and aren’t saving for emergencies or retirement.

We believe it doesn’t have to be that way!

Call us today to learn more about how we can help improve the financial health of your employees – 434.200.6933

What's the real impact of stress on your employees. Here are the numbers*

What is the real impact of stress on productivity?
Let’s break it down.*


of Americans live paycheck to paycheck - CNN Money 2013*


of Americans have less than 10K saved for retirement - USA Today 2014*


of Americans can't cover a $400 emergency - Federal Reserve Board 2016*


of U.S. employees are distracted at work by financial stress - American Psychological Association*

*Source: Willis Towers Watson Emerging Trends in Health Care Survey, 2017

What can you do?

Three ways to start addressing the impact of financial stress:

Communicate the link between employees’ financial well-being and their health.
Provide health and benefits education, along with resources to support financial planning, saving for life events, budgeting and debt management.
Provide employees access to a personal investment advisor who can assist with their financial needs at various stages of life.