Full-Service Biometric Screenings
Our highest priority is to create a positive experience for our clients from the high level administration, all the way through to the employee participants. We take care of every aspect involved with organizing a screening event at your workplace.
HEALTHWORKS is committed to meeting the needs of your organization by offering packages that meet your budget requirements and are impactful to your population. We will work with your organization from start to finish — managing every detail of your biometric screening event. After discussing your wellness program goals, HEALTHWORKS will provide you with quotes for potential packages to help you explore the program option that is the best fit for your organization. Once you decide on a package, we will create branded promotional materials and pre-drafted emails to help you engage your employees in the screening process.
Why is Biometric Screening important?
Biometric screenings are a series of health tests designed to offer insight into your employees’ overall health. This short health examination can help to determine the risk level of a person for certain diseases and medical conditions and help to establish a health baseline. A typical screening will take place in about 15-30 minutes, and consist of a blood draw (finger stick to test your HDL, LDL, Triglycerides, and Glucose) and other basic biometrics (BP, Height, Weight, BMI, and waist circumference).
Benefits for Employees
75% of health care costs are attributed to chronic conditions that are preventable. Heart disease, for example, can be prevented with proper diet and exercise. In addition, early identification of certain risk factors, such as high cholesterol or blood pressure, can prevent larger problems down the road. This is where biometric screenings are most beneficial. A regular assessment of an individual’s health can provide valuable insight on current and potential medical issues, their risk for chronic preventable diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, and hypertension, and can identify strategies for improved health and well-being.
Benefits for Employers
Research shows that biometric health screenings can reduce health plan costs by identifying risk factors and at-risk employees that need medical attention. These assessments provide employers with important information that helps to shape the direction of their internal health and wellness initiatives. While most of the time individual results are de-identified to the employer, a third party provider covered by HIPAA can access the data and potentially engage each individual as needed.
Call us today and see how we can help keep your employees healthy – 434.200.6933