Work hardening & Work Conditioning Programs

Musculoskeletal injuries are the number one cause of all work-related injuries in the United States work force with back injuries alone comprising approximately one third of the total compensable injuries. These statistics account for billions of dollars spent annually for the medical costs and lost wage claims associated with workers’ compensation cases. In fact, back cases drain approximately 16 billion (USD) annually from Workers Compensation. It is no wonder that following an injury a quick return to work is crucial in reducing the economic and human costs (e.g., depression, loss of self-esteem, anxiety, etc.) of work related accidents. Consequently work hardening and work conditioning programs were developed. These programs are intended to return injured workers to productive work as quickly as possible with minimal functional restrictions. 
The Work Hardening and Conditioning program offered at HealthWorks is designed to maximize the patient’s ability to return to work. The Work Hardening/Conditioning Program is an interdisciplinary approach in rehabilitation which utilizes strength and conditioning techniques to progressively improve biomechanics, neuromuscular efficiency, cardiovascular endurance, and flexibility. The program uses real or simulated work tasks to prepare the patient for a safe transition back into the work force and helps prevent re-injury. 

Program components: 

1. Development of strength and endurance of the individual in relation to the return to work goal
2. Simulation of the critical work demands, the tasks and the environment of the job the worker will return to
3. Education that stresses body mechanics, work pacing, safety and injury prevention and that promotes worker responsibility and self-management
4. Assessment of the need for job modifications- i.e., added equipment, changes in work position or ergonomics changes at the work site
Experience demonstrates that the longer employees are away from their jobs due to a work related injury/illness, the less likely they are to return. In a competitive global marketplace, where cutbacks and downsizing have become the norm and employee productivity is constantly being maximized, the need for faster rehabilitation and earlier return to work of injured employees is crucial to the success and viability of an organization. Furthermore, the human costs for the injured worker suffering from a chronic disability are immeasurable. Thus, the use of work conditioning and work hardening programs are instrumental in facilitating the injured worker’s return to work and lessening the psychological effects of a work injury. 

Let us help you take care of your employees and get them back to doing the jobs they were hired to do. Call us for more information.